Please try to have some good, clear, high resolution photos ready. It is fine to send more than one photo as that provides choice and gives me a chance to view the subject from various angles.
For anyone who has a commission booked in, here's my top tips for photographing your pet (for the best possible portrait):
• Try to photograph them in natural daylight – ideally outside or facing a window. Avoid direct sunlight though as it casts shadows and bleaches out detail. Bright, overcast days are perfect.
• Get down to their level, so kneel or lay on the floor. If they're very small, place them on a table outside. This is really important, as looking down on them produces unflattering portraits.
• Eyes are crucially important, so make sure they're open and ideally looking at the camera. Maybe worth holding up a treat to keep their attention.
• Use a good camera or a higher-resolution phone camera for a clean crisp image. The clearer the photo, the better the portrait – it’s that simple. Blurred photos can’t be used as I can only draw what can be clearly seen.
• For double or triple portraits, you don’t have to try and photograph them together. Separate photos are fine but it helps if they’re in similar poses and equally lit.